Sunday, April 3, 2016

An apple and 10 wall balls a day keep the Doctor away!

Coach Pat said do the movements and put forth 75% effort. You have 5 minutes to get it done. I picked up my 14# wall ball at 4 min 55 sec. I knew I wouldn't finish in the time domain. Just then he shouted "keep moving until your finished, complete all the movements!" I finished at 5:21 That was round one of three. We were to do it again, same movements with added effort each round. I counted each pull as I pressed my feet as hard as I could into the rowing machine. Focused on pulling strong and breathing, anxious to get off the rower and pick up my barbell. Man, how I love the barbell. I surprise myself even now thinking about it. Each rep count I feel butterflies. Butterflies of joy and excitement to get back to the bar. It's getting harder and harder to breathe but I still keep moving. I paced it better the second time and somehow finished in 5:06. Now I still have to do it again. One more time at 100% effort. Standing there,  trying to catch my breath and thinking where can I improve? How can I shave off any time from this? Where did the rest time go? 10 seconds... 3, 2, 1.. Here goes everything. I moved as efficient as possible. Broke up the barbell movements and the kb swings in effort to not get too out of breath. Swung my arms as hard as possible in the box jumps. As I picked up the wall ball for the final of the seven movements, the clock read 4:40. I didn't see what anyone else was doing. I was totally in my zone and finished in 5:04. Whew! 2 seconds faster than the previous round. I felt the buzzing in my head and my body was a bit trembly. I just lay there for a minute overwhelmed with pride and accomplishment.

Afterward, I stood up. A sweat outline imprinted the shape of my back on the floor.  Wow that was fun! It's moments like this one that reinforce my decision to make this a priority in my life. I only wish other people experience this feeling within themselves. The buzz that ignites a desire to be a better person, to take care of myself and encourage others to do so as well.

It's funny that CPJ said today "do 10 wall balls and eat an apple every day for the rest of your life. You'll live better and longer" I believe this to be true.

I stopped at Shop Rite on the way home from the gym. Why is there a bench in the bread aisle? As I thought about the bench and it's odd placement a man sat down on the bench. At first I was curious why he would take the load off in the bread aisle. That's when it occurred to me! He needed to take a rest! Slightly annoyed by this and increasingly saddened as I thought about it more and more. I realize the man on the bench could probably not do any wall balls never mind 10 of them and he most likely would never even try.

Before you become the man on the bench in the bread aisle, start with an apple a day. When that is so easy and you do it without any thought, then try a few wall balls. As the wall balls become easier and easier increase the quantity to a minimum of 10. Then do it every single day.

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