Sunday, May 17, 2015

Thank You Coach; for the Resiliency and Grace!!

Thank you Coach (CPJ) for the lessons on resiliency and grace.

First I want to say thank you for teaching me about resiliency. I never allowed myself to understand this, but now it has become an important place that I have been longing to find. A place where I can place my feet in the sand and not be worried about being washed away by the tide. You have taught me how to find the resiliency within. I really appreciate all the lessons that were so hard for me to absorb.  I have the ability to tune-in, listen to my body and my mind and step forward with a positive approach to anything.

Thanks for teaching me about Grace. Grace is  a representation of so many things to me. First of all Grace was the name of my nanny who liked my brother much better than she liked me. Grace was a work out that terrified me during my first RX competition. And NOW Grace is the way I choose to carry myself and represent myself to the world.  A powerful being who embodies kindness.
As I approach the first day of the rest of my life, the day I have been seeking, the life I have been building every day that I have spend learning and becoming the better version of myself, I choose to take  the first step with gratitude. I am grateful for the lessons in resiliency and grace.


[ri-zil-yuh ns, -zil-ee-uh ns]

the power or ability to return to the original form,position, etc., after being bent, compressed, orstretched; elasticity.
ability to recover readily from illness, depression,adversity, or the like; buoyancy.



elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, oraction:
We watched her skate with effortless grace acrossthe ice.

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